In 2023, the Board held five regular meetings and one special meeting. The independent directors met six times in executive session without management present. Each director attended 75% or more of the total number of meetings of the Board and his or her respective committees. While the Company does not have a formal policy on director attendance at annual meetings, it strongly encourages its directors to attend the annual meeting of the shareholders. All directors attended the Company’s 2023 Annual Meeting of Shareholders, which was held in a virtual-only meeting format.
The Board maintains four standing Committees: Audit, Management Development and Compensation, Corporate Governance, and Public Policy and Corporate Responsibility. The responsibilities of each standing committee are set forth in a written charter. Committee charters are reviewed annually by the Corporate Governance Committee and the Board. The Board may form new committees, disband existing committees, and delegate additional responsibilities to a committee. All standing committee charters are available on the Company’s investor relations website at